
How to use the Camera of MOBLIE to translate offline !!!

The Google Translate app makes it easier to travel through a country where you do not speak the language. You could say that this application is bringing us closer to the universal translators used by the crew members of the Enterprise (although Google Translate does not include the alien language, yet).

Let’s say your data plan might not work in the country you’re visiting. Or that you have walked to a remote village where nobody speaks your language, and there is no data or WiFi service. You can count on Google Translate to communicate with locals through offline translation.

Offline translation only works on a smartphone or tablet; You can not use Google Translate without connection to the computer version of the application. You will need a small reconfiguration before using the application offline.

Here’s how to use the application to translate languages ​​when you’re offline.


You must download each language you wish to use offline in the Google Translate application.

  1. Open the Google Translate application.
  2. Make sure that the language you wish to download is one of the two that appear at the top of the screen. If neither of these is the language you wish to download, click Translate on the side of the screen and
  3. select the language you want.
  4. Touch the language you want to use offline.
  5. Touch the download icon that appears next to the language, as shown below.

Some languages ​​have updates available. To find out if one of your downloads can be updated, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Settings icon at the bottom of the home screen.
  2. Choose the offline translation. A list of the languages ​​you have downloaded will appear.
  3. Press the Update option for the language you want. You may need free space, if your phone’s storage is too full.
  4. It only takes a few minutes to download a language library or an update, if you are connected to a good WiFi connection.

Languages ​​are fluid and evolving, just like Google Translate. It is a good idea to periodically check the offline translation languages ​​to see if an update is available. Follow the steps to update and press Update for the language you want. Then you can use the latest version offline, wherever you go.

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